Decompression with LIGASANO® white under the cap at binasal CPAP
University Clinic Mainz / Germany, Paediatry
Practical Experience Report from the Neonatologic Intensive Care Unit
Some children have to be ventilate by a small tube, which is inserted from the nose into the trachea and is connected by a tubular system with the ventilator. The lung is ventilated artificially to provide the body with oxigene and to remove carbon dioxide.
A couple of the premature infants (also smaller ones) are strong enough to breathe by theirselves, but need a ventilation assistance (CPAP) to expand their lungs. These children have either a tube, that lies in the pharynx (through one of the nostrils) or they wear caps, provided with tubes with two small attachments (Prong) which usher into the nose (binasal CPAP).
What is LIGASANO® white and how is it applied at the neonatologic intensive care unit?
LIGASANO® white is a therapeutically effective foamed polyurethane (PUR) with a wide range of application for wound care as well as for decompression and prevention. It is a mixed-pored material, relatively fine-pored and because of its special surface texture it performs a mechanical stimulus in contact with wound or skin, that effects a local improvement of blood flow. Surplus moisture (e.f. sweat) is absorbed in a controlling matter, unwanted accumulation of humidity is prevented.
Another special property of LIGASANO® white is its rapid falling pressure tension, that affords an equal adaption at contures, pressure peaks are avoided. At the neonatologic intensive care unit LIGASANO® white is used for decompression and improvement of blood flow under the cap as well as for the fixation of the binasal CPAP.